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Note: Callouts fees & GST are factored into the prices below. We do our best to fix your issue, however our time is valuable, and we will charge 60% our hourly rate if your issue unable to be resolved.



Shop 1, No 1 Kent Street, Nambucca Heads, NSW 2448

Servicing / Consultation / Diagnostic Hourly Rate:​

  • $25 - Consultation - Minimum cost regardless of time

  • $55 - Up to 30 minutes

  • $110 - Up to 60 minutes

  • + $55 for each 30 minutes

  • + $120 Urgent Service (Our urgent services are bumped to the front of our queue getting your issue resolved ASAP)


Home Visit​

  • $100 - Up to 30 minutes

  • $120 - Up to 60 minutes

  • + 60 for each 30 minutes

  • + $120 Urgent Service (Our urgent services are bumped to the front of our queue getting your issue resolved ASAP)


Commercial Visit​

  • $110 - Up to 30 minutes

  • $130 - Up to 60 minutes

  • + $65 for each 30 minutes

  • + $120 Urgent Service (Our urgent services are bumped to the front of our queue getting your issue resolved ASAP)
    *Many of our commercial clients have requested us on a set number of hours each week. This can be as little as 2 hours 
    each week, giving you the added benefits of a reduced hourly rate and a reduced or even eliminated urgency fee.


Remote Service​

​Note: Remote Service must be paid in advance.

  • $60 - Up to 30 minutes (includes GST)

  • $90 - Up to 60 minutes (includes GST)

  • + $45 for each 30 minutes (includes GST)

  • + $60 Urgent Service (Our urgent services are bumped to the front of our queue getting your issue resolved ASAP)


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